The Breast and Cervical Cancer Treatment Program (BCCTP) provides
needed cancer treatment to eligible individuals diagnosed with breast
and/or cervical cancer and who are in need of treatment.
What is BCCTP?
The BCCTP provides cancer treatment for eligible low-income
California residents who are screened by Cancer Detection Program: Every
Woman Counts (CDP:EWC) or Family Planning, Access, Care and Treatment
(Family PACT) programs and found to be in need of treatment for breast
and/or cervical cancer.
How do I apply?
The BCCTP provides on line, real-time enrollment in the provider’s
office. Enrollment is performed only through providers in the CDP:EWC
and Family PACT programs.
- For information about the CDP:EWC screenings and who is eligible, visit the CDP:EWC website.
- For information about locating a Family PACT provider near you, visit the Family PACT website. Enter your zip code in the prompt on the left hand side of the page.
- In most cases Medi-Cal benefits are available right away while
eligibility determination is completed by State Eligibility Specialists.
Who is eligible for BCCTP?
You may receive full-scope Medi-Cal coverage through BCCTP if you meet all of the following:
- Have been screened and found to be in need of treatment for breast
and/or cervical cancer (women only), follow-up care for cancer or
precancerous cervical lesions/conditions by an CDP:EWC or Family PACT
- Are a women under age 65 who has satisfactory immigration status or is a citizen or national of the United States
- Are a California resident
- Have a monthly gross family income at the time of screening and
diagnosis, that is at or below 200 percent of the federal poverty level
for the family size.
- Have no other health insurance including full-scope no share-of-cost Medi-Cal or Medicare.
If you do not meet the requirements for Medi-Cal through the
BCCTP you may still be eligible for BCCTP (called State-funded BCCTP) if
you meet the following:
Have been screened and found in need of treatment for breast (men and
women) and/or cervical cancer (women only), follow-up care for cancer
or precancerous cervical lesions/conditions by an EWC or Family PACT
Are a California resident
Are a male of any age or any immigration status
Are a female under 65 years of age with non-citizen or unsatisfactory immigration status
Are a female 65 years of age or older; and/or
Have health insurance, including share-of-cost Medi-Cal and/or Medicare
NOTE: If you do not have satisfactory immigration
status you may be eligible for restricted Medi-Cal and the State-funded
BCCTP. Restricted Medi-Cal will provide benefits for emergency
services, pregnancy services and long-term care.
What happens after I apply at the provider's office?
After you apply at the provider’s office, your application is
reviewed by State Eligibility Specialists. The State Eligibility
Specialist may ask you for more information, including the following:
- Proof of identity
- Proof of citizenship
- Social Security Card or an award letter from Social Security showing your Social Security Number
- Proof of immigration status
- Information about other health coverage (if any)
What benefits are available through BCCTP?
- Federal BCCTP provides full-scope Medi-Cal coverage at no cost.
- State-funded BCCTP provides time limited, no cost services limited
to breast and/or cervical cancer treatment and related services and
payment of insurance premiums under certain circumstances.
How long can I get coverage from BCCTP?
- Federal BCCTP provides benefits for the duration of cancer
treatment, as long as the individual continues to meet all other BCCTP
eligibility criteria.
- State BCCTP provides breast cancer treatment services for up to 18
continuous months and cervical cancer treatment services for up to 24
continuous months.
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