1979 she left government research to begin private consulting full-time
and in 1985 discovered a radio electronic technique for scanning the
human body, the Syncrometer, which tests for viruses, bacteria, fungi,
parasites, solvents and toxins. This gave her clues to the cause of
cancer, HIV and other diseases. She now operates a research facility in Tijuana, Mexico, and her health books are best sellers—in the top 3% of books sold on
Rene Caisse, Dr Clark wants to help as many sick people as possible and
has chosen not to patent her work. She believes that the sick have been
held hostage long enough by doctors and the medical industry, and seeks
to de-mystify the causes of disease. In the preface to her book The
Cure For All Diseases she expresses the spirit of her work: "Wouldn’t it
be nice if they (doctors and their suppliers and insurers) could all go
back to gardening or some other primitive and useful endeavour?
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if the sick could join them?"
Only 2 Health Problems
Clark’s theories are based on the simple idea that the human body heals
itself if kept in good condition. No matter how many symptoms a person
has she identifies only two things wrong: they have in them pollutants
(toxins which make it difficult for organs to do their work) and/or
parasites (protozoa, amoeba, worms that use up our food and give us
their wastes). Her solution to good health is as follows:
Problem Simplest cure
Parasites Electronic and herbal
Pollution Avoidance
Her strategy to return to health is:
1. Kill all parasites, bacteria, viruses and fungi,
2. Remove toxic moulds, metals and chemicals from food and body products,
3. Clear and wash away gallstones, secretions and debris already formed, that hinder healing,
4. Use herbs and special food factors to hasten healing, being careful to use only unpolluted products.
Causes Of Cancer
Clark discovered that two things are responsible for cancer: isopropyl
alcohol and the human intestinal fluke parasite. She has found the fluke
in every case of cancer, HIV infection, Alzheimer’s, Crohn’s disease,
Kaposi’s, and endometriosis. The fluke is a flatworm which normally
lives in the intestine and passes its thousands of eggs in the bowel
movement. Parasites are meant to live quietly not to kill you, but when
the eggs hatch inside your body and develop inside you, cancer can
develop. If the eggs and other stages develop in your breast it can
become breast cancer; if in the prostate it can become prostate cancer. A
growth factor is needed to make them multiply and affect the cells.
This growth factor cannot be made without the presence of an abnormal
solvent, isopropyl alcohol. So it is necessary to kill the fluke and its
stages and get rid of isopropyl alcohol.
Parasite Killing
roundworms, protozoa, bacteria and viruses are killed using a
combination of an electronic device called a ‘zapper’ and a herbal
parasite killing program. Dr. Clark has found that this can benefit
almost every illness. The zapper is a hand held battery operated (9V)
frequency generator that uses a positively offset square wave to
electrocute parasites. Its effectiveness may be because it regenerates
the white blood cells by building a positive magnetic field in the body.
It is a recognised medical device, which should not however be used by
people wearing pacemakers, or by pregnant women.
herbal program kills remaining stages throughout the body, which cannot
be reached by the electric current. It consists of black walnut hull
tincture, wormwood capsules, and cloves taken over 3 weeks. A weekly
maintenance program is then recommended to prevent re-infection from the
home, pets, undercooked dairy products and undercooked meat, the latter
which she believes is the main source of intestinal fluke.
Solvent Pollutants
and products polluted with isopropyl alcohol include shampoo, hair
spray and mousse, cold cereals, cosmetics, mouthwash, decaffeinated
coffee, vitamins, minerals and supplements, bottled water (polluted with
antiseptics from the bottling procedure), rubbing alcohol, white sugar,
shaving supplies, carbonated beverages and store-bought fruit juice. Dr
Clark recommends home-made products, unprocessed foods and a limited
number of tested supplements. Once you stop using isopropyl alcohol it
disappears from your body within three days. If the immune system is
uncompromised the body will detoxify this; but when the body is
overloaded, illness sets in.
isopropyl alcohol is present, the intestinal fluke uses another organ
as a secondary host and that organ becomes cancerous. Other solvents in
the body produce other diseases. For example, benzene causes the
intestinal fluke to use the thymus for its secondary host, ruins the
immune system and AIDS develops. Wood alcohol invites pancreatic flukes
to use the pancreas as a secondary host and diabetes develops. Dr Clark
states that cancer could be completely eliminated if laws required
testing for solvents in animal feeds and human foods. A significant
reason for isopropyl alcohol pollution is the chemicals used by
manufacturers to sterilise food-handling equipment.
Clean-ups for Healing
cancer is stopped one can get well if the toxins that invited
parasites, bacterial and viral invaders are removed. Removing toxins
from the affected organs lets them heal. For example, lung lesions will
not heal unless cigarette smoking, freon, asbestos, and fibreglass
exposure is stopped. Carcinogens draw the cancer to the organ: nickel
draws cancer to the prostate, barium draws cancer to the breast. Dr.
Clark considers the most serious threats to be: freon (CFCs or
refrigerant), copper from water pipes, fibreglass or asbestos, mercury
from amalgam tooth fillings, lead from joints in copper plumbing,
formaldehyde in foam bedding and new clothing, and nickel usually from
dental metal.
diet, body and home clean-ups aim to remove parasites and pollutants at
their source. The body constantly fights to remove pollutants, but if
you are being ‘re-supplied’ with them, the body cannot heal.
dental clean-up has been found crucial in shrinking tumours and
restoring health. Dr. Clark advises: 1. removing all metals and large
plastic fillings from the mouth, 2. removing all infected teeth and
cleaning cavities.
or amalgam fillings contain 48-55% mercury, 33-35% silver, and various
amounts of copper, tin, zinc, and other metals that corrode and seep
into the body. Mercury is continually released from mercury fillings in
the form of mercury vapour and abraded particles, which can be increased
15-fold by chewing, brushing and hot liquids. Research has shown that
mercury, even in small amounts, damages the brain, heart, lungs, liver,
kidneys, thyroid, pituitary, and adrenal glands, blood cells, enzymes
and hormones, and suppresses the body’s immune system.
the beginning of the 20th century Dr. Weston Price, head of the
American Dental Association, found that root canal therapy, used to save
a tooth that has become infected or dead, had serious side affects. He
showed thousands of instances of disease created from devitalised teeth,
from head and neck pain to rheumatism and cancer. Most patients with
devitalised teeth had thyroid dysfunction. The International Academy of
Oral Medicine and Toxicology reports that because it was not what the
dental establishment wanted to hear, the results were ignored. Safe
treatment requires extracting the dead tooth rather than filling the
root, and removing any infected tissue from around the tooth. Later the
space can be filled with a bridge or partial denture.
materials which have entered our food chain and body care
products—particularly petroleum products, alcohol, asbestos, colourings,
dyes, formaldehyde and perfume—should not be there and were not there
fifty years ago. The tested ingredients in 99% of perfumes are labelled
as toxic hazards and not allowed in the agriculture industry. So, apart
from avoidance of processed foods, Dr. Clark warns us against commercial
salves, ointments, lotions, colognes, perfumes, deodorants, toothpaste,
soaps, washing powders etc. and gives recipes for home-made
substitutes, e.g. borax powder for cleaning.
up the home environment to make it safe includes moving paints,
varnishes, thinners, cleaners, and chemicals from the house; sealing
cracks around pipes; changing your refrigerator for a non CFC one (Dr.
Clark found freon concentrated in cancerous organs, where it facilitates
the accumulation of other toxins); checking air conditioners for leaks;
sealing or removing uncovered fibreglass; removing clothes dryers, hair
dryers containing asbestos and radiators and electric heaters which
give off asbestos if their paint is old, and changing copper plumbing to
PVC plastic. She suggests if you have been quite ill to move house to a
warm climate where you can avoid heating and cooling, and sit outside
in the shade all day.
Dr David Ho and Dr Bette Korber in the US
have verified that AIDS and HIV were in the human population before
World War II and possibly before the 1930’s. So why did they not explode
until the 1980’s? Perhaps because it is then that petroleum products,
notably benzene, entered our food chain and body care products on a
large scale, and weakened the human immune system to an extent that AIDS
and HIV could enter.
testing makes it possible to know exactly which toxins cause the
patient’s cancer. The Syncrometer can be used for diagnosing and
monitoring progress until cured. It consists of an audio oscillator
circuit which includes the body as part of the circuit. Dr Clark
discovered that every living and non-living entity produced certain
specific frequencies which can be heard with the audio oscillator. Every
living creature broadcasts its presence like a radio station. The
Syncrometer tests for parasites or pollutants in any product or body
tissue, by using samples of those parasites or pollutants. Cancerous
tumours grow in the body for at least three years before they are big
enough to be detected by medical imaging techniques, but the Syncrometer
can detect them long before that.
detoxifying the body Dr. Clark recommends vitamins, minerals and herbs
from safe sources. Apart from the parasites and dental cleanses she
gives detailed instructions for liver, kidney and bowel cleanses. She
recommends that the liver cleanse should not be done if the liver
contains living parasites, and is best carried out after a parasite and
then a kidney cleanse. The liver cleanse is reported as the single most
important thing you can do for your health. Medical herbalists,
naturopaths and other natural healers speak highly of her cleanses.
New 21 Day Program For Advanced Cancers
October 1999 Dr. Clark’s 21 Day Program for Advanced Cancers was
introduced for severely ill patients in cancer stages 4 and 5, including
imminent death. It is described in The Cure For All Advanced Cancers.
Although there are many extra problems that an advanced cancer patient
faces, the causes are the same. Dr Clark identifies three tasks:
Kill clostridium bacteria. (Clostridium are the tumour-making bacteria,
which supply the DNA, the toxic amines and also isopropyl alcohol which
will eventually contribute to malignancy),
2. Kill all other parasites,
Remove metals, malonic acid (which comes from some common foods,
tapeworm larvae and plastic teeth), and other carcinogens from the
latest book reports a remarkable 95% success rate with the 21 day
program. Many cures are reported of ‘terminal’ cases. She also reports
those who were not cured. Two examples follow. A man came to them who
had had tumours and cancers for ten years. His thyroid had been removed
and his neck was burned from extensive radiation therapy. He had
external tumours on his neck, around his arm pits and a full size tumour
on his sternum. Doctors gave him only weeks to live. Within four weeks
on the 21 day program, the fist size tumour had shrunk to 1/10 inch.
Another patient was given only days to live: her eyes were dead and she
smelt extremely rotten. After two weeks on the program, she had much
energy, felt good, her eyes were alive, the smell was almost gone and
her blood test showed normal except for some anaemia.
Dr Clark does everything she can to demystify cancer and other serious
illnesses, it is not simple and for self-curing it is necessary to read
and study everything in detail. It is easy to miss one point which may
be crucial and affect everything else. Someone with advanced cancer will
need someone close to them to study the method and guide them.
The Dr. Clark Research Association
Amrein is president of the independent Dr. Clark Research Association,
which manages the business side of Dr. Clark’s work. After discovering
Dr. Clark’s book The Cure For All Cancers, he started talking to her
patients, visited Dr. Clark’s clinic in Tijuana, and took the
Syncrometer course.
informed me that there are now several hundred alternative therapists
using the Clark therapy in Germany and Switzerland. However, while more
and more cancer patients seek alternative, holistic treatment for
cancer, the medical profession is trying to make self-help and simple
treatments illegal. The US Government has legislated that any cancer
treatment used in the US, other than the AMA sanctioned treatments of
surgery, radiation and chemotherapy, will be considered ‘quackery’, and
punishable as a felony. The AMA/FDA monopoly maintains that new
protocols are not legitimate until many years and vast sums of money
have been spent on ‘scientific’ research.
1993, after a complaint by an unhappy client, Dr. Clark was charged
with practising medicine without a licence in Indiana. The prosecutor
tried to force Dr. Clark, now 71, to accept a ludicrous plea bargain
which would have included her not being able to see any more patients
ever, even abroad, and withdrawal of her books. It is interesting to
speculate whose interests the trial is serving. The judge and prosecutor
withdrew from the case after it was discovered that the prosecutor had
married the woman who investigated the case seven years before and had
failed to get earlier elected prosecutors to pursue Dr. Clark. When the
case was brought against Clark, the Speaker of the state legislature,
one of the most important political figures in the state, came to her
defence, telling how he had been treated and helped by Dr Clark and
found the charges against her unwarranted.
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