On a recent interview, Dr. Leonard Coldwell claimed that ‘all cancer’ along with ‘all other kinds of immune diseases’ are based on emotional and mental stress and can be cured in less than 12 weeks through holistic cancer remedies. In addition, Dr. Coldwell names several cancer-curing treatments that are being suppressed by the medical and pharmaceutical industry, including sodium bicarbonate, apricot kernels, oxygen therapy, rife machines and colloidal silver.
If you are wondering why there is no “official” cure for cancer, then try tracing the revenue cancer takes in each year. Cancer is a $60 billion a year industry, while cancer protection and the early intervention of cancer brings in an additional $162 billion each year.
Dr. Coldwell stated, “The medical curriculum was created by John D. Rockefeller over 100 years ago when he produced chemicals and didn’t know how to sell those chemicals. He produced sales people and called them MD’s. He produced the entire curriculum for the education of medical doctors. Rockefeller made sure that the medical doctor never learned how to cure. A medical doctor has about 1 hour of education in diet and nutritional health and no knowledge on healing. They study pathology which is the study of decay and death. They study the chemical intervention with symptoms; they don’t study healing, curing or looking for the root cause of disease. The only cause for any kind of disease is the lack of energy and that’s mainly caused by physical or emotional stress.”
“As nature creates a problem, nature creates a solution.” Dr. Leonard ColdwellDr. Coldwell added that the medical industry owns the media and partially owns the health insurance industry, as they both work together, hand-in-hand.
In the early 1900’s, Nobel award winners Otto Warburg and Max Planck proved that cancer can only exist in an oxygen-lacking, acidic environment.
Trivia: Max Planck is considered by many to be the founding father of quantum theory.
Typically, a normal pH value is 7 for most people. If your pH is lower than 7, it means that there are too many toxins in your body, which does not allow your body to be in an optimal alkaline state. When you are in an acidic state, your body is lacking oxygen.

Dr. Simoncini’s research concluded that the medical profession only has a 2% cancer cure rate.
Dr Coldwell believes that radiation and chemotherapy cause cancer, while surgery spreads the cancer “like an explosion through the entire body.” Dr. Coldwell added, “Cancer is your friend; cancer is there to save your life.”
“When you live in a relationship that you know is toxic and it’s killing you, you need to get out of it or it will literally kill you.” Dr. Leonard ColdwellThe causes of cancer, according to Dr. Coldwell’s research include, living in constant worries, doubts and fears, lack of self-love, Lack of self-respect, lack of hope, lack of hope for the future and the biggest reason, making a constant compromise against yourself.
“That is why when you live in a relationship that you know is toxic and it’s killing you, you need to get out of it or it will literally kill you,” stated Dr. Coldwell. “If you go to a job that you cannot bear anymore, this job will kill you. That’s why most deadly heart attacks on Monday morning between 8 and 9 o’clock AM.” The message, according to Dr. Coldwell, is that they would rather die than going to work one more time.
The following are some cancer statistics and trivia provided by Dr. Coldwell:In the United States, a physician can lose his or her license and/or go to jail if he or she does not doesn’t apply chemotherapy, radiation or surgery to their cancer patients. This is part of the scam that has been pulled upon us by the pharmaceutical and medical industries.
86% of all doctor visits and illness, statistically, are all based on stress or are stress related.
Stanford University study: 95% of all illness is stress related.
The medical profession is the #1 cause of death in the Western so-called civilized world.
In the last 20 years, nobody has died of cancer, they have all died from the side effects of the treatment.
Cancer is the biggest money maker in history for the pharmaceutical industry.
There are over 300 to 400 known cancer cures that have virtually no side effects and nearly a 100% cure rate.
The medical profession has a cancer cure rate of 2%. If you do nothing, you have a 27% chance of recovery.
We are all born with cancer and cancerous cells, and our immune system gets rid of it from Day 1.
The only cause for illness is lack of energy.
The main cause for lack of energy is physical and emotional stress.
Bad relationships are the main cause of cancer.
Dr. Coldwell suggested talking to a naturopathic physician before going to a medical doctor for any medical issue.
One of Dr. Coldwell’s suggestions was to combine 5 spoons of organic maple syrup with 1 teaspoon of sodium bicarbonate, warm it up to make into one mass, and eat it like a candy 3-4x each day. According to Dr. Coldwell, “The cancer cells looks for syrup. You basically get a Trojan horse going into the system. The cancer gets alkalized instantly.”
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