There are so many theories on cancer, radiation and the after shocks
from the protocol of killing cells. I am very interested in holistic
approaches to going and staying cancer free.
What does it take to stay alive after a diagnosis? How do you stay
cancer free when genetics are working against you? What are the long
term effects of radiation? How can we use holistic health practices to
our advantage?
175,000 woman are diagnosed with breast cancer a year(22,Weed).
My Mom, is a survivor of breast cancer;she had a double mastectomy
and has been cancer free for 8 years. Two of the five women I know that
have been diagnosed with cancer from that time period are still alive. I
attribute a lot of this to their lifestyle changes. Ginger didn’t quit
smoking and Jake didn’t quit drinking they died both last year.
There are a few things that help along the growth of breast cancer;
Hormones including the one’s your body makes and the ones found in milk, meat, steroids and cortisone.
Organochlorines are found out in pesticides and herbicides, plastics and other chlorine products like water and bleached paper.
Radiation, Electromagnetic fields like the one’s emitted from microwaves and computers monitors.
Alcohol, and extra calories from processed foods and sugar.
Lights at night decrease melatonin which is beneficial in cancer prevention.
Sunscreen and mineral oil block the body’s ability to make vitamin d a
great antioxidant that helps to fight cancer. As we also know it
prevents sunburns that can cause cancer… Make sure that you are
balancing the screen free time with sunscreen and only use natural stuff
without a lot of chemicals or make your own.
Woman who wear bra’s show a 20%increase in breast cancer because they
cut off circulation. Wearing anti- perspirint decreses the bodies
ability to rid itself of toxins.
Good news though by changing to a healthy lifestyle
it is reversible with the foods we eat like phytoestrogens, semi-
vegetarian diet, lots of green veggies, lots of vitamin c, e, d,
selenium . Though taking supplements is not as effective as eating real
foods that contain these ingredients. Susan Weed has a few books on
herbal remedies to help along your health. She makes herbalism easy to
understand. She makes breast cancer a beatable case.
What it comes down to is attitude and the ability to beat it…Regular
exercise improves the body’s function of immune system and reduces
stress. Taking the time for self care is important too. The typical
women who has cancer is one who tries hard to please others.(22-25weed)
Darell Shchmitt, 56, is a survivor of pancreatic cancer which has
little to no success rate in overcoming. What is really interesting in
this case is his diagnosis after surviving. The Doctor’s found the
cancer through biopsy’s that they took in the head of his pancreases. A
biopsy is in essence very invasive way of finding cancer by cutting into
the body and taking tissue samples from the place that has abnormal
cells. Within two weeks of his Diagnosis he was on the operating table,
three weeks after his terrible stomach pain that caused him to go to the
doctors in the first place. ‘Aug. 28, 2007. Doctors removed the head
and neck of Schmidty’s pancreas, half of his stomach, his gall bladder,
bile duct, some lymph nodes and one-and-a-half feet of his small
intestine.’ After the surgery he started loosing weight rapidly going
from 206 to 155 in just a few weeks, he was very weak and grey. Soon he
was diagnosed with Celiac’s disease and osteoporosis. Now he is taking
26 pills a day he has changed his diet and is living a good
life.(Gardner) The only question that I have is if his celiac diagnosis
came earlier than would it have saved him from having to endure cancers
at all?
My son, Ocean was having really bad eczema all over his body but
especially bad in the diaper area. He was just five years old. After I
read the Atkins diet and discovered that wheat allergies come out
differently and that most people are not able to process gluten in
varies forms. After a long story his wheat allergy was diagnosed but not
before other symptoms had taken over his body. He had an anaphylactic
reaction; he contracted staph and kept getting it during that first
summer. He almost died. He couldn’t pick his head up off the chair, his
stomach was bleeding. I got rid of the medicines and did a pure holistic
approach to his issues. I got his diet under control, turns out wheat
is in everything. As the toxicity was cleaned out of his system his skin
cleared up and his energy returned. He was having topical symptoms of
toxicity in his system and I was able to change this and solve his
issue’s had I not than would he have also developed cancer or celiacs?
I had never would have linked wheat allergy and eczema together.
Ocean would have continued to show symptoms that would have been
diagnosed as topical things like eczema. . Now I search for cures I find
all kinds of links to wheat allergy’s and cancers, auto immune
disorders, ‘osteoporosis, epilepsy, learning disorders, infertility,
miscarriages, liver disease and a wide variety of problems.’( Miller)
Gluten allergy’s mean that you are not processing your food properly.
The digestion doesn’t work when you have gluten sensitivities; the body
becomes nutritionally deficient causing auto immune deficiency. Not all
who have one thing will have another, everything depends on
environmental conditions.
The tissue damage from the inability to digest wheat gluten proteins
causes so many varieties of problems that won’t ever be considered by
most physicians as a issue. Every body has cancer cells that could
mutate; a healthy body takes care of these. If your body is compromised
through stress or improper digestion these cells could turn cancerous,
you could get sick from the common cold or other auto immune problems
could take over.
“Gluten contains opioid mimicking peptides called exorphins that have
been found to cause such a state. These peptides can increase the risk
of cancer by preventing the immune system’s natural killer cells from
detecting and destroying cancerous cells. Exorphins can also facilitate
the progression of cancer by increasing insulin production which has the
effect of feeding cancer cells and assisting their growth.’(Miller)
So just taking gluten out of your diet could significantly alter your
body’s ability to fight anything. Gluten has peptides that resemble
human tissue’s making the body react through antibodies to attack
different organs of the body.(Miller)
Keeping your immune system operating at ‘maximum efficiency’ (Micheaud and Feinstein)is essential to avoid cancer.
Avoiding all carcinogens in the environment is important to keeping
cancer at bay when you are genetically disposed to having an uprising in
your body.
Other ways to keep your immune system a boost according to
preventions fighting disease is by getting some exercise, laughing,
sleeping and staying away from smoking and sunlight.
Taking vitamins a, b, c, d, and zinc need to become part of everyday
living.. The trick is that even chemo won’t work after doing it once,
you have to keep trying different things. There are all kinds of
alternatives that can be used in combination with biomedicine or alone.
By reducing all health issue’s to just two culprit’s, we can simplify
treatments. There are living things like parasites and toxins that
hamper our body’s ability to fight deterioration. Dr. Clark has many
case studies that cure all dis-ease. She has discovered a way to build
an electronic pulse that zaps parasites within minuets or through a
series of cleanses she has found a way to kill them within weeks. She
claims that cancer is a parasite called fluke dis-ease. If you kill the
parasite than you kill the cancer.(331,Clark)
fasciopsis buskii is a flat worm in the intestines, usually living a
quiet life, the eggs should pass with the bowls. Evolution states that
the human carrier will allow fluke to live longer as long as the human
stays alive.
What happens if the flukes egg’s are not able to pass through the
intestines and hatch? Than it starts to travel around the body, laying
egg’s in the breast and then the breast’s inability to kill the fluke
leads to the imbalance of cancer cells. As long as the there is a
abnormal solvent like isopropyl alcohol in our everyday products;
‘Bottled water, decaffeinated caffeine, white sugar, carbonated
beverages, fruit juices, hair stuff, skin stuff, sprays and hand
sanitizers,’(335, Clark) the fluke will thrive.
Clark also goes on to state that carcinogens once thought to cause
cancer are actually agents in showing cancer where to develop.
Cigarettes will cause the lungs to weaken and cancer to develop there.
Nickel will lead the flukes to the pancreases.
Top carcinogens would include; ‘Freon, Copper, fiberglass or
asbestos, mercury as in tooth fillings, lead, formaldehyde and
nickel.’(337, Clark)
There is a mold that grows on food that also decreases the bodies
ability to detoxify alcohol in our body, so she suggest that we use
powdered vitamins c on all of our foods to boost that ability. Then
follow her parasite cleanse.
I had my own personal case study with the parasite cleanse. Due to
my acl injury, actually there was a bunch of injury in my knee when I
broke that ligament. Much of the muscles pulled and sprained around the
knee. What dr. Clark explains is that through injury and over usage of a
area toxins and fluke accumulation will build up around that area in
the form of kidney stones, heal spurs, muscle knots, lumps. I ended up
with a very painful heal spur that lasted until a few days after I
started this cleanse. Three ingredients; clove, wormwood and black
walnut. Check on her website for the full listing of cleanses,
ingredients and schedule.
What ever you do keep researching and never give up. Lead as much of a
wholesome life as you can and eat very minimal processed foods and
sugar… You can and will overcome.
I'm from Fresno California. i don't really have much to say but to tell the world about Dr. Sam no how he cured me from cancer. A friend told me about the good work that Dr. Sam has done and she gave me his contact +1 (213) 349-2159 and i give a try that is now a testimony today. World can't even explain my feelings. God bless the good work of Dr.Sam. You can reach Dr Sam on his Whats app number: +1 (213) 349-2159.